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Southlake Carroll Band Camp 2023

The Buzzing Book by James Thompson

This exercise is meant to help students take BIG and RELAXED "WHOE" breaths and make their most beautiful sound on their instrument to start the day. Use this opportunity to remind yourself what it feels like to fill up your lungs with air and fill your instrument with warm and relaxed air.

BREATHE&BLOWBrett Copeland
00:00 / 01:04

BASIC WARM-UP [aka The Remington Warm-Up]
This is an excellent chromatic long tone warm-up that gives the player plenty of time to find their best sound on each note and work their way into the low register. This exercise can easily be modified by changing the rhythm from whole notes to quarter notes, eighth notes, sixteenth notes, etc. 

Basic Warm-Up[BBb Tuba short ver.]Brett Copeland
00:00 / 02:56

BEAUTIFUL SOUNDS [aka The Arnold Jacobs Study]
This flow study is an EXCELLENT way for players to work on their evenness of sound throughout their instrument, melodic playing/phrasing, intonation, and scales. I highly recommend using this exercise as a part of your daily warm-up and routine.

Beautiful SoundsBrett Copeland
00:00 / 03:28



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