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Lesson Policies and Expectations 

for members of Dr. Brett Copeland’s Low Brass Studio [2021-2022]



Lessons are scheduled using recommendations from band directors about the best time to teach lessons based their school’s schedule.


Lessons take place every week during the 2021-2022 academic school year unless otherwise indicated. 


If it’s a school day, it’s a lesson day.


Private lessons help students develop their musical skills over an extended period of time, many of which are best learned in the interim between the major competition seasons. Therefore, lessons will continue in the weeks following major competitions (region band, solo and ensemble, band auditions) through the duration of the school year.

To expand on this policy: my reason for insisting on having a lesson after a major competition, audition, or performance, is to reflect on the experience while the memory is still fresh in the student’s mind. I find it’s extremely important to discuss how the performance went, how they think they have improved since their previous performance, and what they would like to continue to improve on.



Acceptable forms of payment include:

  • Cash

  • Check/money order made out to [Brett Copeland]

  • Zelle

  • Venmo (username: @brettcopeland92)

  • PayPal (

  • Cash App

School Holidays 

If your lesson coincides with a school holiday, I will contact you to schedule a makeup lesson.


Absence Policy

Excused Absences 

In order for an absence to be considered “excused," meaning you won’t be charged for it, Dr. Copeland requires 24-hours notice prior to the absence. Excused absences will be rescheduled without extra charge.


In the event of a sudden illness, family emergency, etc., please contact me as soon as possible before your lesson (even if it is less than 24 hours before). I understand that illnesses and emergencies are never planned, and we will handle these instances on a case-by-case basis.


Unexcused Absences

If I do not receive adequate notice prior to an absence (see above in “Excused Absences”), the absence will be considered unexcused, and you will be charged for the missed lesson without a makeup lesson. If you want to schedule a makeup for an unexcused lesson, you will be charged the price of an additional lesson.


School-related absences 

The absence policy applies for lessons missed due to school-related activities (band trips, field trips, athletic trips, etc.). It is your responsibility to contact me directly if you will miss a lesson due to a school-related activity. Do not assume that the band directors will take care of this for you.


I suggest marking lessons in your weekly calendars (even if you have an in-class lesson) to help avoid any problems with these policies.



Students are given weekly assignments. The assignment should be practiced regularly over the course of the week and should be treated as important homework in other classes. Continual failure to practice assignments will result in notification to parents/guardians.



All students must use a metronome, tuner, and pencil in their lessons and daily practice.

Popular smart phone apps include Tonal Energy (TE Tuner) and insTuner.


Termination of Instruction 

Should you decide to terminate lessons, either permanently or temporarily, I require notice four weeks prior to the anticipated end date. This policy also applies to graduating seniors. This policy is to ensure I can fill the vacated spot with a student on the wait-list within an adequate time frame. Feel free to contact me whenever you have any questions or concerns about your lesson progress or about any of these policies. I’m looking forward to a great year!


Thank you,

Brett Copeland

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